Status upadate Week[0-1]

To summarize, this week's work which was mostly spent on research.

* Tryton uses the attribute `select` with values 1 and 2 to indicate if the field has to be searchable or not.
* Select =1 ends up creating an index in the current backend and also reflects as a valid field for simple search in the view.
* Select = 2 does not create an index, but appears in the advanced search view.

From the Sphinx point of view, the tryton fields with `select` attribute need to be sphinx attributes as well, which allows filtering and quick searching just like how it is done now.

Furthermore the current python APIs for sphinx are as poorly documented as sphinx itself. It is yet to be confirmed if the python API also supports all the features of Sphinx server API. A good pythonic API may be needed to be written from scratch.

After a discussion with Bertrand (my mentor), maybe the best alternative would be to integrate sphinx directly under the tryton application layer, which would be a sufficient level of abstraction considering that Tryton implements security at Model and record levels on the application rather than the database. This also makes it transparent to the different backends supported by Tryton (now and in future) which are currently Postgres, MySQL and SQLite.

Questions that need answers this week:

1. Do we really need to rewrite the Python API ? Is it dead or alive ?
2. Does the API work with the <1.0, 2.x releases of Sphinx ?
3. Sphinx seems to have both <1.0 and 2.X releases with a `STABLE BETA` tag. Which one do we consider stable enough to be used with Tryton.

I will update again next week


  1. I saw one of your other post where you have outlined the plan.And here is the status update of the first week.It made sure that you are a good leader.
    sap project management


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