Status upadate Week[2-3]
Status upadate Week[1-2] I've learned a lot this couple weeks: Let's start with the questions that needed answer on my previous post: 1-) There is a Python API for interfacing with Sphinx "searchd" daemon, but not much work has been done on it. No documentation is available for the python API. 2-) The API does work with BETA version of sphinx and also the stable versions 3-) Because of the number of enhancements made on the Stable Beta version, it’s recommended that we should implement using the sable beta version. I’ve bought a book called “Introduction to Search with Sphinx”, written by lead developer of Sphinx Search. So far, I’ve had a crash course on linguistics, morphology processing (cats = cat, mice = mouse, going = go/goes/went and so on), lemmatisation ( converting the word to its lemma/root ) stemming ( Intentionally trying to output the stem, even if it’s not necessarily a correct word. This impacts the effectiveness of the algorithm and results returned b...